The UK’s department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs has published new information on UK REACH on 1 September, 2020. The UK government is to phase in requirements for full registration of chemicals under the UK REACH regime by up to 6 years.

Businesses currently relying on a registration held by an EU/EEA-based company can continue importing substances as they do now on 1 January 2021. They will need to take subsequent actions to ensure that the chemical is registered for UK REACH purposes. These UK downstream users must notify the HSE using a Downstream User Import Notification (DUIN) of their intention to continue importing substances from the EU/EEA by 27 October, 2021.

A new registration must then be submitted to the HSE within 2, 4 or 6 years of 28 October, 2021 depending on tonnage band and/or classification.

The online service ‘Comply with UK REACH’ is expected to go live on 1 January 2021.

Further details can be found at:

As a manufacturer we are of course also dependent on the respective strategies of our suppliers. As for products under our control we are reviewing all data in order to define a strategy.

We will closely follow the development of the Brexit process and will act accordingly.

The information indicated above corresponds to our present knowledge and refers to the state of the legislation at the date of issue.

As always, Lawter appreciates your interest in our products. If you have any further questions regarding this or any other matter, do not hesitate to contact us.

AUTHOR: hannahgreil
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